Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Digital Eye Strain

Are You Suffering From Digital Eye Strain?

Addicted to facebook and Instagram? 
Can't get enough of cute cat videos?  
Work at the computer all day?  
Constantly playing video games?  
Permanently attached to your smart phone?  

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be suffering from digital eye strain!

What is Digital Eye Strain?
According to a Vision Council report, digital eye strain is the physical discomfort felt after two or more hours in front of a digital screen and is associated with the close to mid-range distance of digital screens, including desktop and laptop computers, tablets, e-readers and smartphones.

What are the symptoms of Digital Eye Strain?
Dry eyes, eye strain, brain fatigue and neck pain are all symptoms associated with Digital Eye Strain.

Why does this happen?
Our eyes were never meant to look at millions of glowing pixels all day. Small type and pixelated images force our eyes to work harder in order to focus. 

Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum. It comes from the sun, as well as artificial light sources like digital screens and fluorescent lights. This type of light gets absorbed deep in the eye, making it one of the most intense forms of visible light to humans. While blue light can be beneficial in moderation by helping to regulate our body’s internal clock and improving alertness, it can also lead to the development of certain eye conditions and is believed to increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

What can be done to help me?
The optical industry has responded to the shift in digital habits by developing lens technology to alleviate vision problems and protect eyes from blue light, glare and other environmental stressors. Many of these "computer glasses" filter up to 20% of blue light and are available in both prescription and non-prescription eyewear. The lenses and filters are customized to reduce blurriness and pixilation, decrease brightness, block blue light, and minimize glare while working in front of a screen.

Ask you eye doctor if you would be a good candidate for any of the new lens materials and filters that help reduce Digital Eye Strain!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hot Eyewear News from Vision Expo in Las Vegas!!!

Hot Eyewear News from Vision Expo in Las Vegas!!!

 We keep informed on trends we see emerge in eyewear fashion, and this year at Vision Expo in Las Vegas we noticed a lot of them!  Frames are continuing to get larger and rounder.  Crystal clear acetates are super hot and now are being shown with soft tints as well. Color is still big and being introduced in creative layering hand painting.  Mixed materials dominated many of the upscale lines, which fused together acetate and titanium, for unique looks and comfort.  Technology is growing by leaps and bounds, both on the frame side and the lens side. (Look for our upcoming blog on digital eye strain)
Here are a few of the favorite things we noticed this fall:
The new frames we ordered were larger,
rounder and very light-weight for maximum
comfort.  With their beautiful colors, multiple

quality materials, and modern designs,
these new "framed" Lindbergs
will make a great addition to our optical.

Some of our premier sunglass lines are
now offering new eyeglass lines.
These acetate/titanium combo frames
are one of the new styles offerecd by Costa.
Rounded frames are front and center
in the newest eyewear designs.  These
matte caramel colored beauties by
Barton Perreira were a group favorite.
Colorful layers, rounded shapes and
larger sizes were some of
 the design details we noticed
 in many lines. We loved these
new sunglasses by Lafont.

Larger, rounder frames are also being
show for sunglasses.  Many designs, like
 thesefrom Matsuda, are unisex.
These are NOT your grandfather's clip-on
sunglasses!  Several of our cutting edge
eyewear designers are creating custom
clip-on sunglasses to give you great flexibility
with your eyewear purchase.  These
Barton Perreira metal frames come
 with an acetate clip-on option
to give it great style and an
added layerof "coolness"!
Allied Metal Works is a new company that
we have added to our optical.  This company
 has state-of-the-art engineering for maximum
comfort and durability.  There are no hinge
pins to fall out, titanium makes them extra
light-weight, and they have unique layering
designs incorporating acetate and titanium.